Every client who has followed the Our Sales Coach process has exceeded their goals and gotten over 250% ROI and you can too!

Sales Training For Women

Women can approach sales in different ways than their male counterparts. That?s why we are offering a sales training and coaching program exclusively for women. We believe an environment with just women will help them build confidence, develop better skills, adopt an empowering attitude and change their behaviors in ways that will produce faster results.

Sales is a great career path for women and there are many who have become top producers. Some become executives, CEOs or successful entrepreneurs. A sales career offers flexibility and opportunities for unlimited growth. Regardless of your role in business, sales skills are necessary for advancement. The success of any business resides in the ability to continuously increase sales production.

There are lots of coaching, leadership, management training programs for women. Sales training opportunities for women are typically two hour workshops, one day boot camps or just coaching programs. They offer worthwhile advice and mentorship, but aren?t the type of programs that will produce transformative results. This is a comprehensive training and coaching program with real solutions for women responsible for revenue growth in their firms.

We start with lead generation:

  • Develop a focused market strategy
  • Know how to get the attention of your ideal target
  • How to differentiate
  • Know when to reach out
  • What prospecting channels will work for you
  • Get clarity on your formula for success
  • Develop a system to keep yourself accountable
  • Know what and how to track

Then we will work on your sales process:

  • Building trust
  • Controlling the sales process
  • Finding the compelling reasons to do business
  • Getting commitment
  • Managing the decision process
  • Getting to decision makers
  • Uncovering the budget
  • Successful presentations
  • Handling objections
  • Negotiating
  • Time management

Participants will receive training and one-on-one coaching on each of these things on a weekly basis so they have the time and ability to apply what they have learned. We will change your behavior and teach you the skills to overcome barriers and self-limiting beliefs.


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