Latest Webinar from Our Sales Coach
The Six Keys to Guaranteed Sales Performance (Session #2)
Replicating Your Top Performers
Session 2: Expectations, Accountability, and Feedback
September 17th 12-1 PM
When there is a deficiency in sales performance, we assume the behavior is ineffective or insufficient. We try to correct the behavioral deficiencies and when the results are disappointing, we assume they aren’t motivated, or we just got the wrong hire.
80% of the time, the biggest opportunity for performance improvement is in how we set expectations, accountability and providing feedback. In this webinar we will explain how this is specifically true in your business and what you can do about it. Then you will have a clarity on what behavioral changes will yield the greatest results for your team.
What we will cover:
- Determine if the goals, mission, and responsibilities you have established are the best for optimal performance in your business.
- Determine if your team members have the same perspective or are they vague or disconnected.
- Understand what measurable accomplishments will let you and your team members know how efficient and effective they are at each stage of the sales process.
- How to identify where the greatest opportunity is for performance improvement with the biggest stakes.
- How to properly track and report performance against expectations
- How to provide feedback, coaching, and accountability
- Identify deficiencies in the information or the tools you provide for them.
Are you setting your salespeople up for optimal performance or are you handicapping them from the start? After attending this webinar you will be sure and understand what to change.
Meet Your Trainers
Ken Cheo
Tina Teodorescu
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Setting Your Salespeople Up for Success