How to Follow Trends to Know Who to Target and Work With

by | Sales

Keeping up with trends isn’t just about staying relevant – it’s a survival tactic.

Trends don’t just tell us what’s popular, they point us towards who we should be targeting and working with. So how can we harness trends effectively?

Trends are your compass. They guide you towards the markets where you want to be spending your time. By tracking industry trends, you gain insights into what is potentially on the mind of the decision makers you want to meet. It will help you to get the attention of more of them faster and have more conversations.

We all get information coming at us in social media posts, blogs and forums from numerous sources. Pay attention to the ones that provide insights to the external forces in your markets and the markets in which your targets compete. Who’s innovating in your field? Who are the real experts and are sharing market information? These could be potential collaborators that can help you reach your goals faster.

But the best resource will always be your customers. Go beyond just discussing the current need. Ask enough questions to really understand the causes of the problems you solve. Develop relationships to the point where they are comfortable discussing their view of the markets and trends. (By the way, purchasing people are generally not the people with the insights you want.)

Trends will help you stay ahead of the curve. They not only indicate what’s currently in demand but can also give you a sneak peek into the future. Being on top of trends can help you predict future markets, ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

Trends should be your strategic roadmap, pointing you towards the next client, partner, or breakthrough. They’ll help you understand what is relevant in the markets where you compete, understand where your best opportunities are, and identify potential leads and collaborations.

I believe trends are one of the most under-utilized resource to help develop your business in a big way.

Why You Should Only Target 2 to 4 Markets

We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” but have you ever thought about its relevance in the realm of tech sales?

Let’s discuss why focusing on just 2 to 4 markets could be your winning strategy.

By concentrating your efforts, you can niche down and become a true expert in these select areas. When you specialize, you’re able to understand the unique challenges and needs of your target markets in depth. This expertise allows you to tailor your solutions so precisely that clients feel like your product or service was made just for them.

However, let’s remember that while niche expertise is crucial, market diversity is equally essential.

If you focus solely on one market, you risk losing everything if that market fluctuates or contracts. By spreading your focus across 2 to 4 markets, you’re not only diversifying your risk but also maximizing your opportunity for success.

THis strategy applies to companies of all size. Where larger organizations need to be in multiple markets, your salespeople can focus on and be experts in a few.

In a world where everyone is trying to cater to all, let’s dare to be the masters of few. By focusing on just a handful of markets, we can offer our clients the specialized expertise they crave while ensuring we’re not overexposed to the risks of a single market.

The Importance of Having Different BDR’s & Closers for Different Market Segments November 29 2023

There’s a strategy that you could be missing out on – having different BDR’s and closers for different market segments.

In the diverse landscape of tech sales, specialization isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Just as a sports team has different players for different positions, in sales, we need players who understand the rules, challenges, and opportunities of each market we target.

The idea is simple – by dedicating one or more BDRs and closers to each market segment, we ensure a deeper understanding of that particular market.

This specialized focus allows our BDRs and closers to build robust relationships, talk the language of their customers, and create tailored solutions that fit like a glove. Their knowledge of the nuances, trends, and pain points of a specific market can give them a significant edge over a generic approach.

It’s about creating a specialized team that knows their market inside out – its past, its present, and where it’s heading. By doing this, we not only deliver value to our customers but also build credibility and trust, making our BDRs and closers not just salespeople, but trusted advisors.

Embrace specialization. Assign your BDRs and closers wisely, and see the magic of focused expertise in action.

Will You Really Remember All of That Sales Training Information? Of Course Not!

Ever found yourself in the midst of an intensive sales training session, frantically taking notes, and thinking;

“Will I really remember all of this?”

Spoiler alert: You probably won’t. Our brains aren’t wired to absorb and retain large chunks of information all at once.

Here’s where the concept of ‘drip training’ steps in. Picture a dripping faucet, slowly but steadily releasing water. This is the idea behind drip training – spreading the learning over a period of time, allowing you to absorb, retain, and apply the information better.

Imagine receiving bite-sized pieces of knowledge regularly over weeks or even months. It’s not overwhelming, and it gives you the chance to digest one concept fully before moving on to the next. It’s like building a sturdy wall, brick by brick, ensuring each piece is solid before adding another.

Drip training allows you to implement and practice what you’ve learned in real-time, embedding the knowledge in your daily work, and seeing immediate results. This not only helps retention but also improves performance, as you’re continually applying and refining what you’ve learned.

Instead of cramming, focus on slow, steady, and sustained learning.

focused, secure some wins, and watch your confidence grow.